
Tagging of media uploaded will allow users to easily filter through their archival for retrieval when needed.

AI tags

Pinpoint currently uses AWS Rekognition to provide automatic AI tagging of faces detected within the image during upload. AI-generated tags will be highlighted in purple.

The AI will not learn new faces via manually added tags. If you would like us to detect certain faces automatically, please contact us; we can support you.

Note that currently, AI Tags will not be generated for .GIF and .SVG format media.

Media tagging (Individual / Batch)

  1. Select media to tag.

    • For a single media, select by pressing it. [Skip step 2]

    • For multiple media, press the "Select" button to enable multi-select.

  2. Press the "Details icon".

    • Only required if doing "Batch tagging"

  3. Type the desired tag(s) into the "Tags" field & press enter.

    • For multiple tags, separate with commas, e.g., "man, tie, speech".

    • User-generated tags are highlighted in grey.

    • Users can discern that they are performing batch editing when the message reading "Editing for XX items..." appears above in media details.

  4. Press "Save changes" to complete the process.

Smart tag suggestions

  • When entering tags, existing tags would be suggested to the user when typing.

  • This helps ensure consistent tagging, like using β€œSingapore Prime Minister” for Lawrence Wong instead of β€œSG PM.”

How to delete tags

  1. Under "Tags", press the "x" icon beside the tag to delete it.

  2. Press "Save Changes".

Last updated