Viewing & Filtering
Looking for specific media? Use filters in conjunction to quickly find them!
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Looking for specific media? Use filters in conjunction to quickly find them!
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Want to expand media on Pinpoint? Use our "Expand" function!
Select media to view.
In the media details view, click on the expand icon to expand it.
Selected media will be displayed on the left.
Example of a video preview.
To close the preview, click on the collapse icon to close it.
Media can be filtered by:
Format type
Click the tag search bar.
In the search bar, type in the desired "tag(s)" and press "enter" or select from the drop-down list
Existing tags that match will be suggested for the user's selection.
After selection, active tags will be displayed in the search box.
Tags present in the remaining media will be displayed for selection.
To remove active "tags", click on the "x" icon beside the selected tag.
Type or select on the desired format from the drop-down list.
Only 1 format can be selected at a time
Media will be filtered to the selected format.
To remove filtered format, click on the "x" icon.
Type or select the desired country from the drop-down list.
Only existing tagged countries will be available
Media will be filtered based on the selected country.
To remove the filtered country, click the "x" icon.
Click the date tab.
Select the date(s) to be filtered.
Selecting one date: Filters all media on that specific date.
Selecting two dates: Filters media within the range of the selected dates.