📝Editing media details

Media details

Media details such as date, country and notes can also be added to enhance filtering options and provide more information.

  1. Name

    • Media name can be changed here, the file type cannot be changed.

  2. Country

    • Type and select the desired country from the drop-down list.

  3. Date

    • The date of the media can be edited via the "Date" field's calendar.

  4. Source URL

    • Reference links for the source of media if applicable.

  5. Notes

    • Short descriptions can also be added to media, to provide context and details.

Edit Details (Individual / Batch)

  1. Select media to edit.

    • For a single media, select by pressing it. [Skip step 2]

    • For multiple media, press the "Select" button to enable multi-select.

  2. Press the "Details icon".

  3. Navigate and make changes to desired fields.

  4. Press "Save changes" to complete.

Shared media details

Similar media details shared between selected media would be displayed in their respective fields and differences would be displayed as:

  • Multiple countries

  • Multiple dates

  • Multiple reference links

  • Multiple notes

Last updated