📝Editing media details

Media details

Media details such as date, country and notes can also be added to enhance filtering options and provide more information.

  1. Name

    • The media name can be changed here, the file type cannot be changed.

  2. Country

    • Type and select the desired country from the drop-down list.

  3. Date

    • The date of the media can be edited via the "Date" field's calendar.

  4. Source URL

    • Reference links for the source of media if applicable.

  5. Notes

    • Short descriptions can also be added to media, providing context and details.

Steps to edit metadata

  1. Select media to edit.

  2. Navigate and make changes to desired fields.

    • If multiple media were selected (batch), changes will be applied to all selected media.

  3. To complete, click "Save".

  4. Once saved, a pop-up message reading "Changes to media saved" will appear.

Shared media details

Similar details shared between selected media would be displayed in their respective fields and differences would be displayed as:

  • Multiple countries

  • Multiple dates

  • Multiple reference links

  • Multiple notes

The example below shows two media's details with a similar location and tag:

Last updated