🤝Sharing / Workspaces

Want to share media with team members or users from other agencies? Pinpoint's "Workspaces" feature allows users to establish a shared environment where multiple users can upload and view media securely.

"My" and "Shared" workspaces

My workspace:

  • Every user has a private workspace called "My workspace" and media stored here are only accessible by the user.

  • This workspace cannot be shared with other users.

Shared workspaces:

  • Shared workspaces can be created by users for collaboration with others.

  • Allows users to upload, edit, and share media with different groups of users.

  • Administrators can also assign appropriate roles to individual users.

  • Each includes a "Workspace logs", which logs user activity in the workspace.

Roles in workspaces

Pinpoint allows administrators to set specific levels of permissions, based on these defined roles:


  • Has full control over the workspace, including the ability to manage others and make changes to workspace settings.

  • There must always be at least one administrator present in the workspace at all times. Consequently, if a user is the sole administrator, they cannot remove themselves from the group without appointing another user as an administrator.

  • Administrators can also modify the roles of other administrators including themselves in the workspace. Once forfeited, all administrator privileges for that workspace will be revoked unless reassigned.


  • Can upload and edit media within the workspace.


  • Has view-only access to the workspace and cannot make any changes

Refer to the table below for an overview of the roles:

How to create a workspace

  1. Click the "+ Add" in the workspace tab.

  2. Type in the desired workspace name.

  3. Click the "Save" button.

  4. Click "Add new media" to start uploading media to your new workspace.

Renaming workspace

  1. In workspace settings, click "Manage shared workspace".

  2. Select "Rename workspace"

  3. Enter a new workspace name and Click "Save".

  4. The new workspace name will be reflected for all users upon refresh.

Deleting workspace

  1. In workspace settings, click "Manage shared workspace".

  2. Select "Delete workspace" from the drop-down list.

  3. On the "Delete <workspace name> workspace" pop-up select "Yes".

  4. The workspace including all media stored in it will be deleted. Additionally, all users within the workspace will no longer have access to the workspace.

Managing Access

To share media with others, administrators can add and remove others from their workspaces

Adding Users:

• Users must log in to Pinpoint at least once before they can be added to a workspace.

  1. In workspace settings, click "Manage shared workspace".

  2. Click "Manage workspace access" from the drop-down list.

  3. Enter a valid user email address (.gov.sg).

  4. Select a role from the dropdown list and Click "Add collaborator".

    • To see roles and permissions, click the tooltip or click here.

  5. Verify that a new user is added at the top of the list.

Removing Users:

  1. In workspace settings, click "Manage shared workspace".

  2. Select "Manage workspace access" from the drop-down list.

  3. Click the delete icon (bin) on the desired user to remove.

Modifying User Roles:

  1. In workspace settings, Click "Manage shared workspace"

  2. Select "Manage workspace access" from the drop-down list

  3. Click the drop-down list beside the user's email and select the desired role for collaborator.

Workspace logs

Shared workspaces includes a "log" which records user activity in the workspace.

  • Workspace logs can only be accessed by admins.

  • Activity logs are kept for 60 days.

  • Activities logged:

    • Uploading to / deleting images in the workspace.

    • Adding / removal of users to the workspace

  1. In workspace settings, Click "Manage shared workspace".

  2. Filters can also be used to narrow down workspace log activities.

Want to share media with other Pinpoint users without adding them to you workspace? You can now do that with sharable links!

  1. Select media to share.

  2. Click on the sharing icon in the media detail tab.

  3. Sharable link is generated for user to copy and send.

  4. User opening sharable link will be view image details and download them.

Last updated